Bee® provides comprehensive building energy engineering solutions. Our focus is energy efficiency. Every energy consuming system has an optimum operating range. We strive to find the most economical balance between efficiency, comfort and reliability. Optimum to us means far more than lowest cost. Where others use checklists and “rules-of-thumb”, we apply the full strength of science and engineering to finding “optimum”. We also offer clients on-going technical support to help maintain the optimum performance of their energy consuming systems. Performance persistence is as important to us as the initial identification of “optimum”.
The technical depth of our professional staff sets us apart. We are unique in that regard among our competitors. Our staff boasts a “degree density” that we think is unequaled in this industry. With 5 engineering PhD's and Doctorates, 10 engineering Master’s degrees and 8 Professional Engineer (PE) licenses, we offer unparalleled technical depth. Several of our most senior leaders have full careers of practical experience in the operation and maintenance, or technical support, of complex heating and cooling systems. Truly, our clients get the best of engineering tempered with years of practical experience.
Through the Baylor University Dean of Engineering and Computer Science we became aware of Air Force ROTC Mechanical Engineering graduates who find themselves in a “holding pattern” between graduation/commissioning and orders to active duty. As a patriotic gesture, Bee has offered a number of these newly-minted Second Lieutenants temporary employment while they await the start of their uniformed careers in the Department of Defense. We are proud to support these new warriors and wish them “fair winds and following seas” (a traditional Navy farewell) when they depart.

Christopher Barton

Jonathan Cienski

Collin Couch

Travvis Scott